
Demonstrates how to control AMD SmartAccess Memory when programming with ADLX.

Command Prompts

Command Prompt Description
1 Display AMD SmartAccess Memory support status on a GPU.
2 Display AMD SmartAccess Memory enabled status.
3 Set AMD SmartAccess Memory state.
M/m Show this menu.
Q/q Quit.

Sample Path




// Copyright (c) 2021 - 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.h"
#include "SDK/Include/ISmartAccessMemory.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IGPUTuning1.h"
#include <iostream>

// Use ADLX namespace
using namespace adlx;

// ADLXHelper instance
// No outstanding interfaces from ADLX must exist when ADLX is destroyed.
// Use global variables to ensure validity of the interface.
static ADLXHelper g_ADLXHelp;

static HANDLE SAMEvent = nullptr;

class GPUTuningChangedListener : public IADLXGPUTuningChangedListener

    bool ADLX_STD_CALL OnGPUTuningChanged(IADLXGPUTuningChangedEvent* pGPUTuningChangedEvent)
        IADLXGPUTuningChangedEvent1Ptr pGPUTuningChangedEvent1 = IADLXGPUTuningChangedEvent1Ptr(pGPUTuningChangedEvent);
        adlx_bool SAMChange = pGPUTuningChangedEvent1->IsSmartAccessMemoryChanged();
        if (SAMChange)
            adlx_bool enabled = false, completed = false;
            pGPUTuningChangedEvent1->GetSmartAccessMemoryStatus(&enabled, &completed);

        return true;

// Main menu
void MainMenu();

// Menu action control
void MenuControl(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus);

// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode);

// Find the first GPU index that supports AMD SmartAccess Memory. Return -1 if all GPUs are not supported
adlx_uint GetGPUIndexSupportSAM(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus);

// Display AMD SmartAccess Memory support status on a GPU
void ShowSmartAccessMemorySupport(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus);

// Display AMD SmartAccess Memory enabled status
void ShowSmartAccessMemoryState(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus);

// Set AMD SmartAccess Memory state
void SetSmartAccessMemoryState(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus);

int main()

    // Initialize ADLX
    res = g_ADLXHelp.Initialize();

    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        IADLXGPUTuningServicesPtr gpuTuningService;
        res = g_ADLXHelp.GetSystemServices()->GetGPUTuningServices(&gpuTuningService);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            // Get gpuTuningService1 via gpuTuningService::QueryInterface()
            IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1;
            res = gpuTuningService->QueryInterface(gpuTuningService1->IID(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&gpuTuningService1));
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                IADLXGPUTuningChangedHandlingPtr gpuTuningHandling;
                res = gpuTuningService1->GetGPUTuningChangedHandling(&gpuTuningHandling);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    // Add listener
                    SAMEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
                    static GPUTuningChangedListener listener;
                    ADLX_RESULT  eventRes = gpuTuningHandling->AddGPUTuningEventListener(&listener);

                    // Menu
                    IADLXGPUListPtr gpus;
                    res = g_ADLXHelp.GetSystemServices()->GetGPUs(&gpus);
                    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                        // Display main menu options

                        // Get and execute the choice
                        MenuControl(gpuTuningService1, gpus);
                        std::cout << "Failed to get GPU list" << std::endl;

                    // Remove listener
                    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (eventRes))
                        eventRes = gpuTuningHandling->RemoveGPUTuningEventListener(&listener);
                    std::cout << "Failed to get GPU Tuning Changed Handling" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Failed to get gpuTuningService1" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to get gpuTuningService" << std::endl;
        return WaitAndExit("\tg_ADLXHelp initialize failed", 0);

    // Destroy ADLX
    res = g_ADLXHelp.Terminate();
    std::cout << "Destroy ADLX res: " << res << std::endl;

    // Pause to see the print out

    return 0;

// Main menu
void MainMenu()
    std::cout << "\tChoose from the following options:" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\t->Press 1 to display AMD SmartAccess Memory supported GPUs" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t->Press 2 to display AMD SmartAccess Memory enabled status" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t->Press 3 to set the AMD SmartAccess Memory state" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t->Press Q/q to terminate the application" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\t->Press M/m to display main menu options" << std::endl;

// Menu action control
void MenuControl(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus)
    int num = 0;
    while ((num = getchar()) != 'q' && num != 'Q')
        switch (num)
            // Display AMD SmartAccess Memory support status on a GPU
        case '1':
            ShowSmartAccessMemorySupport(gpuTuningService1, gpus);

            // Display AMD SmartAccess Memory enabled status
        case '2':
            ShowSmartAccessMemoryState(gpuTuningService1, gpus);

            // Set AMD SmartAccess Memory state
        case '3':
            SetSmartAccessMemoryState(gpuTuningService1, gpus);

            // Display menu options
        case 'm':
        case 'M':

// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode)
    // Printout the message and pause to see it before returning the desired code
    if (nullptr != msg)
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;

    return retCode;

// Find the first GPU index that supports AMD SmartAccess Memory. Return -1 if all GPUs are not supported
adlx_uint GetGPUIndexSupportSAM(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus)
    adlx_uint supportedIndex = -1;
    IADLXSmartAccessMemoryPtr smartAccessMemory;
    for (auto index = gpus->Begin(); index != gpus->End(); ++index)
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpus->At(index, &oneGPU);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            // Get the AMD SmartAccess Memory interface
            res = gpuTuningService1->GetSmartAccessMemory(oneGPU, &smartAccessMemory);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                adlx_bool supported = false;
                ADLX_RESULT  res = smartAccessMemory->IsSupported(&supported);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res) && supported)
                    supportedIndex = index;
    return supportedIndex;

// Display AMD SmartAccess Memory support status on a GPU
void ShowSmartAccessMemorySupport(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus)
    auto index = GetGPUIndexSupportSAM(gpuTuningService1, gpus);
    if (index == -1)
        std::cout << "All GPUs doesn't support AMD SmartAccess Memory" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The " << (index + 1) << "th GPU support AMD SmartAccess Memory" << std::endl;

// Display AMD SmartAccess Memory enabled status
void ShowSmartAccessMemoryState(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus)
    auto index = GetGPUIndexSupportSAM(gpuTuningService1, gpus);
    if (index == -1)
        std::cout << "All GPUs doesn't support AMD SmartAccess Memory" << std::endl;
        IADLXGPUPtr oneGPU;
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpus->At(index, &oneGPU);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            IADLXSmartAccessMemoryPtr smartAccessMemory;
            res = gpuTuningService1->GetSmartAccessMemory(oneGPU, &smartAccessMemory);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                adlx_bool enabled = false;
                res = smartAccessMemory->IsEnabled(&enabled);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    std::cout << "The AMD SmartAccess Memory is " << (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled") << " on the " << (index + 1) << "th GPU" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Call IsEnabled() failed" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Failed to get smartAccessMemory" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to get the GPU" << std::endl;

// Set AMD SmartAccess Memory state
void SetSmartAccessMemoryState(IADLXGPUTuningServices1Ptr gpuTuningService1, IADLXGPUListPtr gpus)
    auto index = GetGPUIndexSupportSAM(gpuTuningService1, gpus);
    if (index == -1)
        std::cout << "All GPUs doesn't support AMD SmartAccess Memory" << std::endl;
        IADLXGPUPtr oneGPU;
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpus->At(index, &oneGPU);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            IADLXSmartAccessMemoryPtr smartAccessMemory;
            res = gpuTuningService1->GetSmartAccessMemory(oneGPU, &smartAccessMemory);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                adlx_bool enabled = false;
                res = smartAccessMemory->IsEnabled(&enabled);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    std::cout << "Currently AMD SmartAccess Memory is " << (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled") << " on " << (index + 1) << "th GPU" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Call IsEnabled() failed" << std::endl;
                res = smartAccessMemory->SetEnabled(!enabled);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    std::cout << "Set AMD SmartAccess Memory to " << (!enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled") << " for " << (index + 1) << "th GPU" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Call SetEnabled() failed" << std::endl;

                // First event received quickly before SAM start
                WaitForSingleObject(SAMEvent, 2000);

                // When receive the first event, avoid calling any other ADLX method, and if any UI application is running, we must close it to avoid crashing
                // Close(application)......

                // Second event received after SAM completed, the maximum consuming time less than 20 seconds.
                WaitForSingleObject(SAMEvent, 20000);

                // Now SAM completed, we can restart the UI application, and continue to call ADLX function
                // Start(application)......

                res = smartAccessMemory->IsEnabled(&enabled);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    std::cout << "After setting, AMD SmartAccess Memory is " << (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled") << " on " << (index + 1) << "th GPU" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Call IsEnabled() failed" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Failed to get smartAccessMemory" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to get the GPU" << std::endl;