
Sets AMD Radeon™ Anti-Lag to enabled or disabled state on a GPU.



ADLX_RESULT     SetEnabled (adlx_bool enable)


  1. [in] enable adlx_bool The new Radeon Anti-Lag state. Set true to enable Radeon Anti-Lag. Set false to disable Radeon Anti-Lag.

Return Value

If the state of Radeon Anti-Lag is successfully set, ADLX_OK is returned.

If the state of Radeon Anti-Lag is not successfully set, an error code is returned.

Refer to ADLX_RESULT for success codes and error codes.

Additional Info

Radeon Anti-Lag helps reduce input lag in GPU-limited cases by controlling the pace of the CPU work to ensure it doesn’t get too far ahead of the GPU.

Note: AMD Radeon Chill , and AMD Radeon Anti-Lag features cannot be enabled simultaneously. If AMD Radeon Anti-Lag is enabled, AMD Radeon Chill is automatically disabled. However, the configuration of the disabled feature is preserved.



include “I3DSettings.h”

Minimum version
