A pointer to the function to initialize ADLX with an ADL context.
typedef ADLX_RESULT (ADLX_CDECL_CALL *ADLXInitializeWithCallerAdl_Fn)(adlx_uint64 version, IADLXSystem ** ppSystem, IADLMapping ** ppAdlMapping, adlx_handle adlContext, ADLX_ADL_Main_Memory_Free adlMainMemoryFree)
version adlx_uint64 The version of ADLX. -
ppSystem IADLXSystem ** The address of a pointer to the ADLX system interface. If ADLX initialization failed, the method sets the dereferenced address *ppSystem to nullptr. -
ppAdlMapping IADLMapping ** The address of a pointer to the ADLX mapping interface. If ADLX initialization failed, the method sets the dereferenced address *ppAdlMapping to nullptr. -
adlContext adlx_handle The ADL context. -
adlMainMemoryFree ADLX_ADL_Main_Memory_Free The callback handle of the memory deallocation function.
Return Value
If ADLX was successfully initialized, ADLX_OK is returned.
If ADLX was not successfully initialized, an error code is returned.
Refer to ADLX_RESULT for success codes and error codes.
The pointer of the function is returned by the adlx_get_proc_address using the ADLX_INIT_WITH_CALLER_ADL_FUNCTION_NAME as the function name.
Header |
include “ADLX.h” |
Minimum version |
1.0 |