Building Python bindings for ADLX

This guide outlines the steps to build a Python binding wrapper for ADLX, a prerequisite to programming with ADLX in a Python application.


  • ADLX SDK is installed.

  • Visual Studio 2019 is installed.

  • Python 3.9 is installed.

  • pybind11 is installed.

  • The path to the Python 3.9 installation is added to the PYHOME system environment variable.

To build ADLX bindings in Python

  1. Create a folder for your Python ADLX binding wrapper, for example ADLXPybind.

  2. Create a new file in the ADLXPybind folder and title it bind.cpp.

  3. Edit bind.cpp and bind the interfaces you wish to wrap using pybind11. To create bindings for event notifications, inherit the respective listener interface.

    For example, inherit IADLXDisplayListChangedListener .

    Note: Refer to the Python samples bind.cpp file for an example of a Python binding.

  4. Create a C++ Dynamic Link Library project named ADLXPybind and configure the project as follows:

    • Key



      Advanced > Target File Extension


      Use .pyd as the extension

      VC++ Directories > Include Directories

      $(PYHOME)/include , $(PYHOME)/Lib/site-packages/pybind11/include,

      Add Path of python include and path of pybind11 include

      VC++ Directories > Library Directories


      Add path of python libs

      C/C++ > Precompiled Header

      Not Using Precompiled Headers

      Do not use precompiled headers

      Linker > Inpit


      Add python lib

  5. Add the bind.cpp file to the project

  6. Add the following files to the project:

    • SDK/Platform/Windows/WinAPIs.cpp

    • SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.h

    • SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.cpp

  7. Build the project.

    Result: The ADLXPybind.pyd is built in the "$(SolutionDir)$(Platform)$/(Configuration)/" folder.