C# Samples

This document describes how to build the C# bindings for ADLX, and the ADLX C# samples, as well as the environment in which they can be executed. The ADLX C# samples demonstrate how to program with ADLX in a C# application.

Supported Operating Systems

Windows® 10 (32- and 64-bit versions) and up.

Build Tool

Visual Studio 2019 with C and C++ components for desktop, and with C# components for desktop.


  • ADLX SDK is installed.

  • swigwin 4.0.2 is installed, and the path to the swigwin 4.0.2 installation is added to the Path user environment variable.

Note: The ADLX library is installed along with the AMD display driver.

Build Instructions

  1. Open ~ADLX\drivers\ADLX\Samples\csharp\sample.sln with Visual Studio 2019.

  2. Select the build configuration, for example, Release, and x64.

  3. Set the sample as startup project.

  4. Rebuild the project.

    Note: This procedure also builds the ADLXCSharpBind project in Visual Studio, which is required for any ALDX C# sample .

  5. Run the sample from the path ~ADLX\Samples\csharp for the corresponding build configuration and sample, for example ~ADLX\Samples\csharp\x64\Release\DisplayInfo.exe.





Show how to wrap ADLX with SWIG


C# app uses ADLXCSharpBind.dll, about the call of ADLX display list changed event


C# app uses ADLXCSharpBind.dll, about the call of ADLX display